Welcome to the White County School District. We are excited to have you join our family of students, parents and educators. For the Kindergarten 2025-2026 flyer press HERE.
Register Online
We are accepting online applications for the 2025-26 school year. If you want to enroll in the 2024-25 school year, please contact the Central Enrollment office at (706) 865-2315, ext. 1101.
New Families to White County School System
Follow this link: https://campus.white.k12.ga.us/campus/OLRLogin/whitecounty
See instructions below: New Family Registration
Parents who have a student(s) enrolled in White County System
Parents who have children currently in the system will use their Infinite Campus Parent Portal Account already created.
Follow this link: https://campus.white.k12.ga.us/campus/portal/whitecounty.jsp
See instructions below: OLR - Existing Infinite Campus Users
*If you do not know your Infinite Campus login information, you may contact the media specialist at your child’s zoned school
If you need assistance, please contact the Central Enrollment Office at 706-865-2315, ext 1101.
Enrollment Documents
The following documents must be uploaded to the application or brought to the Central Enrollment office to finalize the enrollment process:
- Student's Birth Certificate (Certified Copy)
- Student's Social Security Card
- GA Form 3231 Immunization Certificate
- GA Form 3300 Certificate of Hearing, Vision, Dental and Nutrition Examination
- Proof of Residency (see below for items that are accepted)
- Picture ID of parent or legal guardian registering the child. A valid, state-issued Driver's License, state-issued Identification Card, Military Identification Card, or Passports are acceptable.
Proof of Residency
A student will not be enrolled without current proof of residency. The following acceptable items must be issued within the past 30 days:
- Lease or Rental Agreement (with signature of landlord and renters)
- Mortgage Statement, Home Purchase Agreement
- Utility Bill: electric/light, gas or water - no cable or phone bills accepted
- Governmental Agency Mail (county, state or federal)
- Shared Housing: If living in a household with someone else, an Affidavit of Residency must be completed by both the parent/legal guardian and the person with whom the family is living. This must be signed and notarized at Central Enrollment
Transcript Requests
White County graduates may request a copy of their transcript via the Transcript Request Form located below.
Work Permit
The work permit form is located below.