
White County School Nutrition is concerned about the wellness of your student. We are committed to provide your child with quality, healthy meals to ensure they are ready to learn each day. We invite you to visit our Wellness page to become familiar with the local Wellness Policy, Board Policy EEE: Wellness Program; the triennial Wellness Policy assessment conducted in June 2022; and a comparison of our wellness policy to a model local wellness policy.  We also would like to share with you some progress made on our local wellness goals and inform you of upcoming goals set for the SY23 school year.  We encourage you to contact us if you are interested in providing feedback regarding our Wellness Program or if you would like to be involved in our Warrior Wellness Project, please contact the School Nutrition Department at 706-865-2315 ext 1703 or Family Connections Director Nanette Baughman at 706-865-2315 ext 1412.